Let’s make
surface water
Safe drinking water – sadly, that isn’t a given in many places in the world. War, natural disasters, remote areas in developing countries – many people are forced to cope without this essential resource. Rook Pijpleidingbouw is going to put an end to this dire situation. All thanks to the Rewaterbox, our mobile water purification system that turns surface water from ponds, ditches, rivers, lakes and swamps anywhere in the world into safe drinking water. The system complies with WHO standards.
Discover how we
make it work
inside the box,
by thinking
outside the box!
Call us | +31 (0)527 – 246568 |
Mail us | info@rewaterbox.com |
Visit us |
Heetveld 41, 8326 BH Sint Jansklooster (the Netherlands) |